How do you transfer knowledge to your clients?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you transfer knowledge to your clients?

At Build with Assembly, we ensure comprehensive knowledge transfer through transparent communication, proactive engagement, deep collaboration, and a phased I Do, We Do, You Do model, tailored to your specific needs.

This post is based on a series of questions from new prospective clients that we will answer publicly. This one came from a VP of a Financial Institution during early sales conversations.

At Build with Assembly, we pride ourselves on delivering technology solutions that are effective and well-understood by your internal technical and business teams. When you ask how we ensure this knowledge transfer, our answer lies in the unique and value-driven way we approach our engagements.

Transparency and Communication

Value to You: Empowerment through Knowledge

One of our core principles is maintaining transparency and clear communication throughout the project lifecycle. This approach ensures that you:

  • Understand What We Do and Why:

    We break down complex technical concepts into easily digestible information, empowering your technical and business teams with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.

  • Make Informed Decisions:

    By involving you in the decision-making process, you gain a clear understanding of your options and their implications, leading to better outcomes and increased confidence in the chosen solutions.

Front-Room Advisory Approach

Value to You: Proactive and Engaged Support

We differentiate ourselves by providing front-room advisory services alongside back-room technical support. This ensures that you:

  • Receive Proactive Engagement:

    Our close interaction means you are well-informed and comfortable with every step we take, fostering a sense of partnership and trust.

  • Benefit from Hands-On Collaboration:

    We actively guide and support you, ensuring you are part of the journey and fully understand the process and solutions.

High-Level Collaboration

Value to You: Deep Involvement and Shared Knowledge

Our approach is deeply collaborative, which means you:

  • Experience Deep Involvement:

    Daily interactions and immersion in our processes and thinking ensure you continuously engage and learn alongside us.

  • Gain Shared Knowledge:

    This collaboration bridges the gap between your technical and business teams, fostering a unified understanding and approach to the solutions.

The I Do, We Do, You Do Model

Value to You: Smooth Transition and Continued Support

To ensure a smooth transition and ongoing understanding, we employ the I Do, We Do, You Do model, a form of gradual release of responsibility that provides significant benefits:

  • Smooth Onboarding:

    Initially, our team leads the way, demonstrating and implementing solutions to set a solid foundation.

  • Collaborative Refinement:

    Working together during the We Do phase ensures the solutions are tailored to your needs, enhancing effectiveness and satisfaction.

  • Independent Operation with Support:

    In the You Do phase, you gain the confidence and capability to manage solutions independently, with our managed services providing operational air support for continued success.

Assembling the Right Team for Your Needs

Value to You: Customized Team Composition for Maximum Impact

We offer flexibility in assembling a pod for your engagement, providing options that best suit your needs and priorities:

  1. Our Engineers:

    • Scenario:

      You have a high-priority project that requires specialized expertise and a rapid turnaround.

    • Example:

      A financial services company must overhaul its online customer platform to enhance security and user experience. Our team of engineers swiftly designs, implements, and deploys the modernized cloud application solution, meeting tight deadlines and high standards.

  2. Mixed Team with Your Engineers:

    • Scenario:

      You want to upskill your existing technical team while implementing a new solution.

    • Example:

      A healthcare provider aims to integrate a new patient management system. We collaborate with their IT team, working side-by-side to deliver the solution while providing hands-on training. This ensures the team gains valuable skills and knowledge throughout the project.

  3. Mixed Team with Your Future Engineers:

    • Scenario:

      You plan to hire new engineers to manage and maintain the solution post-implementation.

    • Example:

      A retail company is launching a new e-commerce platform and plans to hire a new team of engineers. We will hire and train these future employees during the software development phase, equipping them with deep solution knowledge and capabilities and ensuring they are ready to take over once the platform goes live.

Managed Services for Ongoing Support

Value to You: Sustained Success and Optimization

Our commitment to you extends beyond implementation. Our managed services offer:


At Build with Assembly, we aim to empower you by ensuring your technical and business teams fully understand and are equipped to manage our solutions. Through transparent communication, front-room advisory, deep collaboration, and our phased engagement model, we bridge the gap between technology and business, fostering an environment of shared knowledge and long-term success.

Please contact us today for more information on how we can help your organization understand and implement technology solutions seamlessly.